Friday, July 1, 2011

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  • paragpujara
    01-07 08:13 AM
    I also did the same thing. I got the scan copies from my lawyer. Print out will work (IO will verify yr name on receipt with yr photo Id).

    Good Luck and lemme know if you need any further help.

    Thanks Parag, your post is helpful.

    One quick question - I do not have original 485 receipts with me but have scanned copies of them which my lawyer has emailed me. If I print them out and take them to the infopass, is that sufficient or do they ask for the original receipts?

    Thanks and good luck ahead!

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  • pappu
    03-10 11:25 PM
    Well, I am TOO depressed about the BEC performance. I know too many people are in same situation but I find myself "helpless" and at least i want to SCREAM......:mad:
    The annonymous member who posted this message has not even logged back in to this website after posting the message and we are discussing this topic for days. If you start a new thread, dont just start it and run away. Try to see and respond to the discussion. If you post a question and your question is answered, it is always good to thank members that answered your question. All this helps build the community.

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  • pd_recapturing
    08-18 01:12 PM
    why cant we just file a lawsuit ??? What's stopping us from doing that ?
    Where is IV core these days ? There has not been any news from them for so long.

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  • avi_ny
    07-21 09:40 PM
    EAD application mailed to USCIS on 21 May 2008
    There was one RFE - USCIS requesed two photos. They were shipped on July 2nd.
    I have not received any FP Notice. (strange)
    Approved EAD (1 year) received on 21 July 2008 (Today)


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  • vroapp
    12-12 06:46 PM
    GCWaitforever, please make sure if stating that you are an immigrant is acceptable or not; in your letter to Sen. Sessions, I mean...

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  • pd2001_12
    09-10 02:54 PM
    Thats right. I don't see any issues with EB1 or EB2 movement, For gods sake EB2 came to 2005, EB1 is current. It is funny when the other poster said we need to work for EB1 also(It is current, what else you want to do there?).

    I feel IV has to concentrate on EB3 now. Period.

    That should not be the case. It should just concentrate on EB3-I. Period Because that is the only category that has to wait for centruries to get any movement.


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  • sam2006
    07-20 12:56 AM
    thank you all for coming forward ....

    guys lets aim 50 by tomorrow

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  • kg318
    04-25 12:57 PM
    Dude, I do not know who has given you red dot, you certainly deserve more green dots.

    hey till now i haven't noticed about this reddot until u said. who gives it and how???? i dont have any idea as i am new to this foum.. and how can anyone give points for reputation.


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  • hazishak
    08-13 03:52 PM
    Did you guys see the recepting update in OH's site? Where did he get it from. I could not find it in USCIS site.

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  • grimreaper
    11-18 11:55 AM
    Dear XXX
    Thank you for contacting me with your position regarding immigration. It is good to learn the views of my friends and neighbors in northern California, and I appreciate having your input.

    Current estimates suggest that there may be as many as twelve million undocumented immigrants in our country. A balanced approach to immigration reform is needed to contain and reverse this trend. Any solution must protect the United States economy, meet our homeland security needs, and reduce the backlog and wait times associated with legitimate applications for legal entry.

    Our economy relies upon hard working people to perform every type of work, from back-breaking farm labor to high tech jobs, and America has always welcomed workers, foreign and domestic, who endeavor to advance the U.S. economy. It is simply not realistic to expect our economy to continue prospering without providing some mechanism for legal temporary workers to continue their efforts.

    That is why I am a cosponsor of the AgJOBS bill. Our national economic survival relies on retaining the agricultural labor force while bringing workers out from the shadows, a goal the AgJOBS bill helps meet. However, I also believe we should significantly enhance the American labor market by placing a priority on educating U.S. students and training American workers instead of fostering a reliance on foreign workers. Businesses seeking to hire a temporary professional worker should pledge that they have made a good-faith effort to hire U.S. workers first and that the temporary professional worker will not displace a U.S. worker. I believe that these provisions can be met without stifling business and economic growth.

    In addition, true border security can come only from the increased use of manpower and effective technology together with an efficient and judicious legal immigration application process. The indefinite state of limbo in which many applicants for legal American immigration status find themselves is a part of the problem that we can control. By allocating more resources to efficiently process applications, we can significantly cut wait times for applicants and reduce the influx of undocumented immigrants. As Congress considers future immigration legislation, I will factor your recommendations into my decision making.

    Thank you again for sharing your views. I am proud to serve California's Eleventh District, and I am committed to working hard for you. If you would like more information about the issues I am working on in Congress, I encourage you to visit my website at Congressman Jerry McNerney (

    Jerry McNerney
    Member of Congress


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  • andy garcia
    10-05 11:58 AM
    This is true. A majority of the Dems are sensible people. BTW, although they are against outsourcing, they are not against immigration. The two issues are quite different.

    Can you definesensible people.

    I think that what they want is the Hispanic vote taken away from the Republicans. They are a bunch of crooks. Sen Kennedy said: Anybody jumping the fence now should get a greencard.

    What abot the legal ones tha t habe been here 5+ years waiting for a GC.

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  • Vysh
    08-27 11:15 AM
    My husband's case was refiled on July 31st. The checks have not been cashed yet.

    Please update if anyone else's checks have been cashed around the same time.



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  • nixstor
    07-07 10:33 PM
    Great job.. This is exactly what we need.. National coverage on this issue..

    What is it with posting the same message on every post? You are spamming the forum

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  • test101
    07-10 08:11 AM
    maybe we can do web fax ,. so members can fax these information as well, and the media knows they need this .. can this be done?


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  • amitjoey
    11-18 01:38 PM
    In addition to completing the action item, set up an appointment with my Congressman for the week after next to push for this provision.

    As stated by the more experienced folks involved with this initiative, the bottomline is that any action item should be accompanied by a grass roots effort where all our members should meet with the local congressmen/congresswoman to push for our provisions (in this case visa recapture). Coordinated action items and phone campaigns always help but we should not wait for an action item to talk to the lawmaker offices in our local districts.

    You are absolutely right!. Thanks for taking the initiative to talk to your congressman.

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  • kopguy
    07-21 12:41 PM
    I do agree severely retrogressed folks do need some concessions and I appreciate guys like Sanhari highlighting this issue. I think we should mobilize the opinion and assert it in a positive way. IV core members have a lot of experience in dealing with the DC system and USCIS let us take advantage of this so that we are not reinventing the wheel.


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  • Hello_Hello
    02-09 09:39 PM
    Banned from visiting USA ??? So what ??? If you get time to visit India go to Gujarat and see the development in last 10 years also if possible compare it with Amethi & Raibarrelly the constituency of present Queen & prince & their'll get your answers.Really? Narendra Modi is great? And thats why he has been banned from visiting USA...WOW

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  • gc28262
    05-01 01:17 PM
    How can an EB dependent file in Family category ?

    For any one (dependent ) to qualify for filing GC, they have to qualify under one of the categories either family or EB.

    Family category:
    Applicant has to have a relation with a GC holder or a citizen. When primary EB applicant itself is in AOS status ( not GC) how can a spouse file in Family category ?

    2 conditions need to be met for spouse to apply

    1. Primary should be having his greencard.
    2. PD should be current for the spouse in family category.

    Typically condition 1 won't be met for an EB dependent spouse, so USCIS process them under EB category.

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  • senthil1
    07-26 01:34 PM
    There is not much use for just fighting EB3-I. You can send a letter or lobbey and they will hear it. Thats all. There are so much discrepancies in immigration policy of USA(The impact is for just for potential immigrants not for the country) I do not think they will spend time to resolve each and every small discrepancy. There are more more severe issues in the country than resolving EB3-I. Of course that is a big issue for those who are impacted.

    But the problem will be automatically resolved if STEM/and or Recapture bill is passed. That is a big picture and that will get more attention than just lobbying for EB3-I.

    EB3-I 's best chance in the current context , in the order of faster results,

    1. Port to EB2 , If possible
    2. Lobby to change spill over distribution. USCIS has been inconsistent over the years. So we need to lobby hard and impress upon them that this year distribution algorithm is unfair .who knows it can change again next year , this time a more balanced one ..
    3. Recapture effort: This is a big one and we need to support carry out the tasks assigned by IV and other biggies .

    IMO, No genuinely concerned fellow mate should advise EB3-I's to support only recapture effort.

    03-08 02:37 PM
    There are lot of people whodo investments,have kids and buy houses and everything else when they are on H1.
    I don't see any reason to hold off things on H1. If your wife did master's why don't get her on H1, there are so many job openings available in market.
    Instead of crying, take some action

    She has been trying for the past 5 years... She is not in IT. She would get past all the interview processes etc but when it comes to finalizing the papers with HR etc comes the final blow. "No visa sponsorships, Sorry !! "
    Seeing all her friends climb up the ladders.. doing well in different areas and you being left helpless is difficult to digest. She has been volunteering, working with different Societies, charity organizations. But keeping yourself busy is not just what she wants to do.
    My efforts:-
    A $50 monthly contributing member,
    Trying to meet a congressman now
    Convincing friends to join efforts.
    But haven't seen "anything" positive yet.

    08-28 11:38 PM
    NSC has finished 7/24/2007 i-485 employment based:

    my 485/ead/ap package in 07/03 arrived NSC.

    no receipt and not cashed:mad::mad:!

    (140 was approved at TSC last year).

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