Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • english_august
    07-06 02:59 PM
    Alright friends, so we now have a lead item on Times of India on this effort.,prtpage-1.cms

    Can we now have some of the Nays turn into Ayes? We now have proof that this effort is attracting media's attention, we now have proof that it is viable. Can we please make it a smashing success by getting great numbers?

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  • reddymjm
    06-13 11:31 AM
    My attorney told me that they sent my case to USCIS through FEDEX overnight on 6th June. My check is not cleared from my bank yet. I am concerned about my RD. Any idea?
    If it is NSC they are still working on 6/1/07 cases. Relax...

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  • GCStatus
    09-17 12:55 AM

    First of all, ask yourself the following points before continue reading.

    1. Do I need a Green card at ANY cost ( Any cost = Waiting for yrs, Not willing to risk any other options, afraid to raise issues, not pinpointing flaws )

    2. Willing to fight for justice.

    If you chose the option 1, please stop reading further and good luck.

    For the option 2, here we go.I am new to this web site and it seems there are approx 70k people here and lot more outside. Hugh enough to create miracles.

    Just to remind ourself who we are. We are Highly skilled LEGAL immigrants. It not only means we are skillful but it also means we pay every damn tax which is out there. We pay for welfare. We pay for unemployed. We pay for pensioners. List goes on. We pay fees for every application processed by USCIS ( Labor, I-140,I-485,I-765,I-131 etc etc ). We pay rent. We buy cars. We buy houses. In short, we are nothing but GOLD to this economy.

    However, this one department called USCIS is literally toying with us for yrs now as if we are slaves or we are obligated to them. We dont want anyone to do us any favour. We need justice.

    Friends - I have self respect and i wasn't born chanting Green Card. I AM going to face them, confront them, demand them to provide justice, if not I want them to REFUND every penny i have paid so far. If this "I AM" becomes "WE", half the battle won. TOGETHER WE STAND, VICTORY/JUSTICE FOR ALL. If you are still hesitant, you made a bad choice of choosing option 2. Please go back to option 1.


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  • nc14
    08-18 03:00 PM
    I just got red :)


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  • nemadeni
    03-25 03:19 PM
    Wait for Oct 2008 for any possible movement.

    My PD is 1 March,2004 and my realistic estimate for getting my GC is end of 2009.

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  • bbct
    02-12 12:22 PM
    If you have h4 stamp in your passport , you can go out of the country and comeback in and you would be back in h4 status. Short of that I don't see any other option. Ohers please chip in with your ideas.

    Once your new status is approved you cannot go back to any prior status. Even if you have an unexpired H4 visa stamp in your passport, it becomes invalid. You would have to get the passport stamped again at the US Consulate.


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  • badluck
    07-02 08:36 AM
    Fedex sent June 30

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  • boreal
    12-10 12:52 PM

    There are many more trailer-park, red-neck, f*** heads like proud american out there. We really really have to very discreet both at work and other places when we talk about various strategies, like webfax campaign, phone campaign etc.

    I was going through the discussion forums of the oppt side too this week and one of the s***heads aparently overheard one of IV members asking ppl to start making phone calls to various senators/congressmen. Then he went throwing on on a barrage of insults at all Indians (i dont know why they want to single out Indians only) calling us pests and all sorts of name-calling. Then he went on to say that the good news is that these 'pests' are planning to go back to their home-lands if they dont get the 'green' soon. So he was asking everyone else to call the senators and oppose the bill. And then the ultimate thing - he says that they "have a lot of legitimate ways to make our lives miserable" in the US...Do i hear KKK there??

    This is what happens when we are not discreet at work place. They claim that we are using our work hours to do personal stuff. And he felt obliged to do the same too. Obviously nobody cribs when all of us hard-workers work overtime to get things done.

    Anyway, please be careful at work places, be friendly with everyone but have this in your mind that there is someone always overhearing in the next cube/office and possibly monitoring the web sites being visited (like the above guy that i mentioned, did i forget to say that he was the IT admin who was monitoring all the sites that the Indians were visiting?).


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  • eaglesvr
    08-15 11:30 AM
    Eb3 Row
    Pd 03/05
    485/140 Rd 08/09/07
    Nd 10/02/07

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    04-22 01:29 PM
    File a BBB case..but make sure you are absolutely sure Company is at fault...if its just money..
    i guess u have to take a "hit".. but if they have violated ur rights in any way..u should pursue all possible options of getting justice.

    is that a desi consultant!
    I think we need to create a site of all desi consultants and rate them.. discretely.;-)

    I am sure below copied my URL will help lot of other folks who would like to know how much employer list $$ amount in their individual LCA, who is the owner of the company, how many LCA are filed from this company for that year etc...:D

    in the employer field, search by "employer name" and see the magic...and once you get to the details section look for " designated_first_name" and " designated_last_name" will tell you who the owner of the company is some more details of your interest....LOL!! :p


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  • nogc12
    08-02 11:41 AM
    It was nebraska.

    which customer service...texas or nebraska?

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  • santiwar
    12-17 05:53 PM
    This may be the *best advice*, imo.

    Most "youngsters" (makes me feel really old now.. doesn't it.. ) visiting the U.S. for business/work/education seem to have no plans of residing in this country permanently. Most I've talked to in the past year or two are keen on returning home, or somewhere else.

    Particularly true in case of India, imo.

    Give them a year or two more, when they have become comfortable with the american lifestyle and facilities we now take for granted (driving on freeways, easy access to libraries, parks to go for a run etc), and they will be probably singing a different tune.

    I came here eight yers ago muttering the same "Will make a few bucks and go back home" line. Still here and living it up :)

    I took up running 6 years ago primarily as i was trying to quit smoking, and also, there was a great running track right outside my house (obviously, free for anyone to use). Then I went to Mumbai last year and decided to go for a run, five minutes into the run and i was being chased by 2 dogs (and i don't mean the cops :p). The point i am trying to make here is. There are things in this country that we start taking for granted. lets appreciate it!

    Another tip i would suggest to keep your mind occupied is to learn a foreign language. Invest in an Ipod if you do not have one already. Download free podcasts thet teach french,spanish, german etc. Listen to it while running. You are doing two things at the same time, staying fit and learning.

    maybe we can have an IV 5K run sometime in the spring if things do not change. just a suggestion..


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  • dingudi
    01-06 03:03 PM

    Just wanted to give you an update on my FP notice. Finally I got FP notice today schedule for 01/29/08. I guess Infopass appointment works. I had infopass appointment on 21st of Dec 2007 and IO told me I should expect FP within 3 weeks . I guess USCIS has started working after a long break. Hang on guys.


    COngrats!. Looks like yours is in TSC. Good to see someone from TSC getting it. It could very well have been a result of you taking the infopass appointment.

    Could you tell us briefly what did you tell or ask IO during InfoPass appt. Did you also tell them that you had opened an SR and did you show them the SR response letter also.

    Eager to hear a little detail about the conversation you had with IO during Infopass appointment.

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  • sanju
    02-26 05:14 PM
    That is several years since its inception : limited number of paying members, half hearted participation in various campaigns, and inactive state chapters.

    And who is hurting because of this? Is it not you? And me? and our families? Whose fault is it that we refuse to actively participated in the effort that wants us to lead a stable life.

    You see, most people here work in IT. So we have binary logic. 0 & 1. There is no in between. So most people in this community of educated illiterates wants the world to be perfectly aligned before we lift a finger. Lets wait for few more years for GC before we contribute my hard earned $20 after bickering for 10 years, way to go.



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  • aka
    06-18 12:23 PM
    I-140 already approved, I-485 details (same for both me and my wife):

    Mailed to NSC on May 31st.
    Received at NSC on June 1st (I think... never took tracking# from attorney).
    Receipt Date - June 04
    Notice date - June 07

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  • wait_2010
    02-25 01:06 PM
    Cannot make it to DC..Contributed $100 with tran ID 0941-3918-8124-2866..Thanks to all who are going there..
    Reaching out to friends to get more contributions
    Gud luck to us all

    Additionally , I saw a post about "5 reasons to not contribute" that was a gud one. I will bump that one up ...I am surprised that we cant get a 1000 people to contribute some money..An avg of $50 will get us beyond $50,000 (Obviously we dont need even 1000 people because many will contribute 100 or more) ..There just too many leaches who wait for others to do thier job..


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  • vaishnavilakshmi
    07-05 03:56 AM
    My 485 application reached NSC on July 2nd at 10:25 am.
    by FEDEX.

    Hey when have u mailed ur papers?????29thjune or 30th june and when is ur PD?


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  • PresidentO
    02-25 11:50 PM

    I could convince 3 of my colleagues who are READY RIGHT NOW to contribute $1000.00 each. I can do $500.00.
    But they asked me just one question. What is the action plan that IV is collecting these monies from prospective immigrants who are already in pain due to this economy and all that. I did tell them about July 07, flower campaign, but they are not willing to listen. They said they did not contribute at that time due to some reasons, but they now want to contribute big way. They have a much bigger friend's circle than mine who are also doing good from top schools who may contribute too. They may also register in IV soon.
    But their only question is "What is the action plan for FUTURE". Can you please help.
    I am confused myself with the same question, no offense. Like me, they wouldnt wait and wait forever for things to happen. We Strongly believe in any action towards goals. Trust me, we need lots of money, but the way they responded made me feel uncomfortable.

    Yeah! Its common sense dude! Lets keep the 50USD in pocket when one has job rather than contributing to a cause that might help keep the job or makes voice heard when a bad bill comes out.. Choice is yours and your friends. If you/your friends are expecting a GC because you paid 50$ towards this effort, I dont know what to tell. If you/your freinds are expecting to hold xyz accountable for every single penny of the donation, that is not the attitude that will bring US together.

    Ask your friends to understand the word lobbying and advocacy efforts. How much work it takes to hire a firm and get strategic advise? How much a firm that advises strategically and positions the issue strategically charges per hr? If an IT consultant is charged at the rate of 100-200USD by a big consulting company, Imagine how much would a consultant such as these people on the hill charge? I dont know but I wont be surprised if its north of 500USD an hr.

    With out IV, The only two things folks on the hill knew were illegal immigration and H1B visa. Now more than 75% offices know the EB issue inside out and have a position on it. This is an effort that needs to be continued until we get a solution.

    "What is the action plan for FUTURE"?

    Relief from Retrgoression. Continued advocacy efforts. is it that difficult to know? I dont know but it seemed obvious to me.

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  • ramus
    07-07 10:17 PM
    Please mention how many members from family..

    IF we get minimum 1000 then we can talk to core members.

    I think we should have a poll for DC rally and it should be on IV home page so that every visitor know about it and poll.

    07-27 01:21 PM
    EB3 I issue being debated now is something we wish we could have but has not much logical ground,in my understanding. July issue is to do with flip flop of USCIS. IV didn't protest to make all current. Just made them not retract what USCIS/DOS said a month back.
    2 year EAD is also for the whole community including future filers.

    Clarify one thing for me. How this new rule that is helping EB2-I is impacting EB3-I. Based on what I understand, EB3 World is directly impacted by this change. Can you help me understand how EB3 -I is impacted?

    Under the latest interpretation, EB3-I India will not get benefit until EB3-ROW gets benefit. So EB3-ROW benefiting will eventually benefit Eb3-I. That is the logical background.

    The other two issues , which provided temporary relief, would have been redundant If we had recaptured the visas. Most of us, across the EB category/Country, would have been current or near current , rendering these issues redundant.

    IV still went ahead with it (I am glad) knowing fully well recapture is difficult issue.

    So no harm in EB3-I seeking temporary relief while still joining forces on the recapture issue.

    Now you need to explain How EB3-I seeking favorable interpretation of spill over distribution undermines "Recapture effort". How are these related??

    08-29 01:45 AM
    So if USCIS takes an year to process my extension, what are the impacts to me after the current H-1B expires? Would I have issues in traveling?

    While your H1 is in pending state and you go out of the country, USCIS would consider it as 'abandoned'.

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