Sunday, July 3, 2011

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  • SanjayP
    05-09 10:43 PM
    At least Bush Administration was sympathetic to our cause. Everyone knows that this is a congressional fix but alteast Bush never came up with those anti-H1b policies to destabilize people in GC queue. Now these numbers have retrogressed in month of June when historically this has never happened. Obama is trying to woo people at the cost of Indian community.
    Everyone knows Durban & how he has lately tried to screw Indian community and Obama is a good friend of Durban. Now Democrats are in majority , why have they not fought for your cause ? There was an idiot congressman in IV Dc rally who was talking about making all illegals legal from IV stage. So what else u can expect ?

    Come out of Obama Dreams & fantasy world. Obama is not good for us. He is good for illegals and any immigrant who is aspiring a blue collar job. They don't want you & me taking white collar jobs. He is helping right-wing white supremacist agenda by aligning himself with people like Grassley & Durban.

    I believe you are very close to the truth matter.
    Bush, deport and detain illegal immigrants while expanding and ignoring any frauds in H1/L1/etc programs for 8 years. Obvious, Bush thinks our future voting block will be in republican favor and illegals future voting block would be in democrats favor.

    Now we see with Obama he is acting in the opposite manner. He wants to legalize illegals to create a future voting block and to penalize and stop/disarm the h1/l1/etc programs because he believes we will not vote for democrats when we become naturalize.

    I will be sending this letter on Monday anyways because we need to do something our voices are being DROWNED out by the ANTI's!!!

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  • Hello_Hello
    02-09 09:33 PM
    very childish!!!how old are you ? Terrorists are banned from visiting USA.
    Narenda Modi has been banned from visiting USA.

    You do the reasoning :D

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  • anda007
    07-09 03:26 PM
    I spoke to this journalist for almost 20 minutes
    She is awesome and really really listens to you and gets a lot of information to you
    She is interested in talking more people and also if possible with other ASIAN people (Chinese/Taiwanese/Pakistanis), who are in the same boat
    Call her and she picks up the call.

    I found this in the one of the forums.. please people contact the report have people hear us.

    Story for the Washington Post


    Hi all,

    I'm a reporter with the Washington Post. If your efforts result in Emilio Gonzalez receiving hundreds of flowers tomorrow, I would very much like to do a story on it. If you're interested in speaking with me and telling me your story and why you've decided to participate in this demonstration, please give me an email or call me. My contact information is below.

    office phone: 202 334 6701

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  • hsingh82
    02-24 01:29 PM
    Sent a check of $50. I myself have moved away from GC and going E-2 visa route based on my wife's canadian citizenship.


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  • clockwork
    07-02 09:53 AM
    Only 50 people mailed their package for July 2nd delivery. You got to be kidding. Please post details of your friends as well if they shipped on July 2nd. I remember seeing a post on another thread with speculation of 100K packages. Thanks -:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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  • kondur_007
    07-28 02:08 PM
    As I mentioned in my previous post in this thread, I am now posting information that explains why this "horizontal" spill occurred and no amount of campaign will reverse it (other than change in law).

    If this is repetition of what has already been discussed elsewhere on the site, I apologize.

    First, let me point out when and how the interpretation changed:

    Following is from site (Ron Gotcher):

    �Last week, I wrote to Charles Oppenheim of the State Department, asking several specific questions. This morning, I had a long talk with him, when he very graciously called to respond to the questions I e-mailed him earlier. In the course of our discussion, I learned a great deal about the present backlog situation and what is being done about it. First, let me deal with the questions I had asked.

    Mr. Oppenheim explained that while the Visa Office initially took the view that visa numbers had to fall down into employment third preference before the could fall across to the individual country quotas, but after further review, additional legislation, and consultation with Congress, they concluded that they have to allocate the fall across within individual preference petitions first.�

    Direct link to above post:

    Some more information from Ron Gotcher�s site can be found at following link

    Now, let�s look at the actual law on this (above is only the interpretation from Mr Oppenheim, following is the actual text of the law: (my comment is in italics)

    8 CFR Sec 202(a)


    (A) EMPLOYMENT-BASED IMMIGRANTS NOT SUBJECT TO PER COUNTRY LIMITATION IF ADDITIONAL VISAS AVAILABLE- If the total number of visas available under paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5) of section 203(b) for a calendar quarter exceeds the number of qualified immigrants who may otherwise be issued such visas, the visas made available under that paragraph (read as under that EB category: if it is EB1, it goes to EB1 and if it is EB2 it goes to EB2) shall be issued without regard to the numerical limitation under paragraph (2) of this subsection during the remainder of the calendar quarter.

    Read the entire Sec 202 (a) here: dbe

    A glimpse of Sec 203(b) is:

    b) Preference Allocation for Employment-Based Immigrants. - Aliens subject to the worldwide level specified in section 201(d) for employment-based immigrants in a fiscal year shall be allotted visas as follows:

    (1) Priority workers. - Visas shall first be made available in a number not to exceed 28.6 percent of such worldwide level, plus any visas not required for the classes specified in paragraphs (4) and (5), to qualified immigrants who are aliens described in any of the following subparagraphs (A) through (C): �.

    Please read the entire section 203(b) here: dbe

    So, in nutshell:

    1. The law is actually clear on this.
    2. Now Mr. Oppenheim has interpreted it correctly as well.
    3. It don�t think we can convince anyone to change the interpretation (because interpretation appears to be correct. If it was interpreted differently in past, then that was a mistake).
    4. The only way to deal with it is to CHANGE THE LAW.
    5. More importantly, push for bills to increase overall numbers (recapture, STEM exemption) etc�
    6. The big picture: All these is likely to look completely different once CIR comes in, and we need to include our agenda in CIR that would benefit every category for several years to come (not just my GC or your GC).


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  • leoindiano
    12-26 10:51 AM
    Did your app go thru Texas-vermont-texas cycle? When did your app reached USCIS?

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  • gc_on_demand
    05-08 03:15 PM
    So who is the leader who is responsible of DOING stuff with that money when I contribute

    Read about IV Core members and if you need how money being spend , internet will be your help. There are some website which gives you tax return of non profit orgs like IV.


    Pin Up Photography Chicago. Round 2 – Themed Pin Up - If
  • Round 2 – Themed Pin Up - If

  • test101
    07-08 12:08 PM
    I think more than anything we need organization. We need group of volunteers that focused on different tasks. for example a group of people call congress and follow up and post updates.

    group of people lead the flower campaign and anther group wrk on informing the media

    there should be a group organize the rally and contact people to sponser.
    Again avoid the 21 of july because the media would cover HP book instead of the protest.

    here is gazalion post of the same subject.. we need organization

    Guys I am looking at this thread for the first time today and want to put some comments:

    1) 3 people were making hunger strike at SJSU over the last weekend for DREAM act and we come to know about it thru 1510 AM, KLIVE in Bay Area.

    2) Immigration Voice members are planning to make a rally in SJ and we need to read it in the forum of (only) their website.

    3) We are hungry about media coverage and want utmost attention of the congressmen about our issues.

    BUT, you know what we are missing?:

    1) No postings on the windows of those Bharat Bajars and Cash N Carrys and Kumuds. Can't the i-phone designers and router gurus make Ashas and Abhijeets invisible with some eye catching posters?

    2) No postings on those other popular websites like,, etc. Did they say no for this?

    3) No usage of the library notice boards.

    4) No usage of SMS. Isn't it much cheaper than making contributions to the IV repeatedly?

    I hope to see all these channels being utilized fully for July 14/21 march in Bay Area before we talk about CNNs and WPs.

    Once the streets of SJ are hit with 1000+ people, those NBCs and CNNs and SJMs will come to us rather than we going to them.

    As for myself, I am in whenever the event takes place and will try to bring at least 5 of my friends to the march.

    P.S.: This is not an effort to criticize anyone here but just an attempt to help the organizers in whatever way I can.

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  • chanduv23
    06-26 10:34 AM
    There are some jobs that require US citizens only without any security clearance requirements. Many defense related projects are like that. Not everyone will need security clearance, but everyone in the project must be US citizen.


    desi - You seem to have indepth knowledge in this. All your posts put together gives the complete picture.

    In reality, a common man does not do much analysis and just goes by the flow. HR listens to what manager or management says and thats it. No one complains or asks and as such people - if they find an opportuinity which is welcoming will not chase an opportunity which is not welcoming unless a group of people like members of IV - want to collectively address these issues.

    When I looked for jobs I have seen employers or reqruiters asking what is my status and if I say I have EAD some of them will say "OK, no problem" but will not get back because they have instruction from hiring managers to hire only GC or USC. The hiring manager may not be well informed enough or may not want to deal with things with USCIS (perception, because all USCIS wants is a verification letter which is common and other agencies like Banks, DMVs etc.. may also request the same)

    I have noticed that a lot of people are not comfortable about dealing with USCIS - it could be a stigma.


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  • eb3_nepa
    12-11 12:36 PM
    Lets take another view of this "realistic" angle : Its common sense to go after the low hanging fruit first (I-485, filing EAD etc), but what we conveniently forget is in that case we will not have any support whatsoever from the corporates,AILA,health care industry etc. It will have to be a solo effort from IV for which we would need the support and active contributions from at least half of the one million EB applicants affected by this mess. So far, we have piggy-backed on CIR and SKIL both of which were to a large extent driven by corporate interest. If you take these realities into consideration, provisions like 485 etc are not low hanging fruits any more, because we no longer have a stool to stand on. Given the infamous intertia of the lawmakers, introducing our own independent provisions will take a lot more than a membership base of around 6-7K, a contributing base of around 2k and a free-riding/blissfully ignorant base of 900k+.

    Unless we become a truly representative organisation of prospective EB immigrants, we cannot take on the combined might of the anti-immigrants and the H1 thristy corporates. Not to be negative, just giving an alternate opinion.

    Most of the time we have to search for bills to attach our provisions anyways. The only problem is that right now all our provisions are either being labeled as "quota increase" or are being attached to "Quota Increase" bills. Try and remember S-1932, CIR and SKIL. AILA will always be after H1 Increase and so will Big Corps. Only this time instead of seperating ourselves as "EB only" we try to piggyback on either "Quota increase" bills OR we try and piggyback on just about ANY bill we can piggyback onto. Most of the times weird bills get combined (S1932 for example).

    If 2006 has taught us anything it should be "Do NOT try and increase quotas and numbers". For starters it takes TOO long to do and there is MUCH more opposition from even the average American. Remember the IV Core telling us how the Anti-immigrant calls far outnumbered our calls during the Recent SKIL bill? Guys even the biggest Corps have been unsuccessful in getting Visa number increases. Do we honestly believe that with 6,000 members who are NOT a voting base (and may never be) + the lack of funds, we are going to do what these big guns have not been able to accomplish? Am I saying we should give up? HELL NO!! All I am saying is, it is time to review our strategy. Over and above all this, if we think that our current course will bring us victory then let the majority prevail.

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  • vkrishn
    08-20 01:20 PM
    There are many who are in the same boat where cases are in transit or with an officer for quite some time. I wished USCIS processes the case in order of PD rather than in a random fashion. Also they need to do it at TSC and NSC.


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  • rayoflight
    05-19 04:30 PM
    Called 3/14 the first time and was told that FP would be scheduled. Never heard so called again on 5/9 and this time was told to callback after 60 days from the initial call.

    I spoke with one rep who said that they are processing "June 29th" applications so you have to wait for your "Biometrics Appointment". I am kinda lost on this one.

    What is the best number to reach the right Customer Service department alongwith the options to reach a live person to speak with who can actually schedule the Biometrics Appointment.

    Am a July 2nd Filer - Actual Application filed on Sep 10th.


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  • ushkand
    08-05 05:54 PM
    Hi guys,
    My first H1B (2003) had LUD on 14th of July...and today there is a LUD on I-140. My I-140 approved in March 2007..PD is March 2005...Is it good indication that they are doing something with my I-485 case? My application reached NSC on july 2nd (not sure about time as my lawyer sent those papers). My I-140 is from TSC.

    Mine is pretty much the same situation and see a LUD of 08/05/2007 on my I-140 today. Hopefully I will see checks cashed in the next couple of days. Fingers crossed. :confused:


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  • pd052009
    09-23 01:50 PM
    Dude... Whatz up?

    If someone ports from EB3 to EB2, then they deserve to be in the front of the queue. Nothing wrong in the process..

    "EB-2 India. This category is expected to remain unchanged or to move very slowly forward (by a week or so) in the short-term. This is mainly caused by the fact that many EB-3 India applicants (there are approximately 60,000 EB-3 India pending cases) are �porting� their priority dates into the EB-2 India category and are thus taking visa numbers.

    EB2 India is slowwly becoming EB3 as thousands are porting from EB3 to EB2. Some of them are really worthy of EB2 and some of them are fradulent.

    EB2 India applicants should wake up from their celebratio of a few months leap and get ready for slow movement or retro.

    Guys wake up and fight to make the porting rules veryu strong if not stop porting. The rule should be if I140 for porting is denied then the applicatnt should loose his/her initial EB3 priority date also as he /she has indicated that he/she is no longer working in the position as described in EB3 labor. This will make sure that fradulent applicants cannot port from EB3 to EB2.

    P.S: I know I will get thousands of REDs. I do not care... EB2 I guys wake up.. Time is running out.. EB2 I will very quickly become same as EB3I.

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  • desi3933
    06-27 12:10 PM
    Point1) makes me perplexed - Can there be agreements with open ended time periods.

    But whatever is the exit strategy i will end up paying almost $10,000 as lawyer fees.

    >> Can there be agreements with open ended time periods
    No. Usually agreements define maximum time period or a condition (whatever happens first).

    Here is one example. An actor may agree that he won't sign any other role until this movie is completed or 12 months from the agreement date.

    Not a legal advice.
    Green Card holder since May 2002

    desi3933 at


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  • a1b2c3
    06-28 03:30 PM
    like desi*3* pointed out, its good to get a lawyers' opinion. if this was illegal it is unlikely that corps would do such postings in such numbers.

    unfortunately, H1B is often the last choice in tough economic times (of course the job skills will continue to be an overriding factor) which hurt some H1B workers the most. Personally, holding a job was very difficult for me during the dot com bust so I understand the pain.

    But there is very little to be gained by copy-pasting dice ads in IV forums . we have also seen such ads during the the dot com bust when software industry was down. what's so new here?

    and by going to the media, you are going to incite more anti-indian feeling. an indian gets equated to a job stealer in these times. people don't bother to instrospect over what exactly has ruined the job market.

    at times its good to lie low instead of making impotent noises. just my opinion.
    choose wisely. finally, each to his/her own.

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  • yadav
    08-29 10:04 AM
    My I-140 was approved by NSC in feb 2007, and my I485 was delivered on aug 10 to TSC.
    1. Does anyone think that my case might be transfered to NSC (since I140 was approved there).
    2. Can i file for AP without getting recipt for 485 (instead of recipt i am planning to attach the fedex delivery notice)
    3. Is there any way i can find whihc center is having my application.

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  • venkybr
    09-11 11:07 AM
    Anybody, whose application was received on July 11th, signed by K.LAWSON got the 485 receipts ?

    08-13 02:43 PM
    Mine is EB2, reached July 2nd at 7.55 AM Fedex received by Robin Williams at NSC and I got the check cashed and has receipt numbers but my I140 LUD is not changed. But my I-140 was already approved and it was not concurrent filling. So if its not concurrent filing then I think I140 LUD should not change or not related to 485 receipt notice? Am I right?

    Mine also EB2, reached July 2nd at 7.55 AM Fedex received by Robin Williams at NSC BUT non of my checks were cashed:confused:

    08-01 02:01 PM
    I just called national customer service center for my 485 receipts and the lady told that nebraska filers should still wait for 30 more days before they call for receipt updates...she said she was answering the same question since this morning and mentioned that it could still take atleast 30 days for nebraska center to register the applications...

    when I asked her if she knew whether my case has been transferred to TSC already (since my 140 got approved from TSC), she said she wouldn't know that answer...her bottom line was to wait...

    what a mess!!!!!

    if any one has called the customer service today regarding the receipts, I would appreciate if you could please post the responses here.

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