Wednesday, June 29, 2011

transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle

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  • gsvisu
    07-11 01:01 PM
    My slogans: Fees double, More trouble.
    Be legal = Pay more fees and NO GC

    NO GC

    Also we need to emphasize & communicate is the "increased fees" (almost doubled in many cases) for all USCIS services effective end of this month (July 30).

    The rallys and campaigns should emphasize this important detail too. This is huge money and not fair to the amount of service that is being currently provided.

    Is this the penalty to be legal ?



    What are your comments guys ?

    wallpaper Transformers: Dark of the Moon transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
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  • yetanotherguyinline
    07-11 11:23 AM
    Is this rally still on? On 14th? Then please update the first post on this thread which still says July 7th - it is confusing.

    Also, considering that there are only 4 more days to the rally if it is on 14th, we need considerably more publicity in the media and on blogs on this.

    This rally will be a watershed event because as far as I know, this would be the first of its kind by skilled, legal immigrants and it should get the media attention that it deserves.

    I second this. It took me full 15 minutes to figure out that the rally was on 14th not 7th.

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  • #39;Transformers 3#39; - Dark of the

  • gc_maine2
    08-13 02:45 PM
    LUD: Last updated Date.

    What is LUD?

    2011 Transformers: Dark of the Moon transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • WaldenPond
    06-28 02:54 PM
    Hello arnet,

    That is an excellent idea. We are already working closely with USINPAC. Here is some of info about this.

    USINPAC has been very helpful and has played a key role in guiding and helping us. We should all be Thankful to USINPAC for significant help that they have provided us.

    AAPI is another group that has been instrumental in getting our provisions in the bill.

    We have received positive results from many other groups. But no other group has been able to help us as USINPAC and AAPI.

    If anybody has any such suggestion or could provide a lead to any other organization or personality, please let us know. This would help us all.



    transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark Of The Moon
  • Transformers: Dark Of The Moon

  • sanju
    03-06 03:22 PM
    Please DO NOT join this selfish effort aimed at fixing the country limits till MIRAGE gets his green card.

    Removal of country limits temporarily and permanently, will both require the support of the majority of both houses of the congress. It will require as much effort to to remove country limits temporarily as it will require to remove country limits permanently.

    Some folks here just wants to remove country limits till the time they get their agree card i.e. for the span of 2 years. If removal of country limits is good for EB community and America, then why only remove it for 2 years ONLY.

    Such a campaign is likely to divide this community. PLEASE DO NOT divide the community by supporting this mis-directed agenda.

    If country caps can be removed temporarily then they can be removed permanently. But asking for less than what key lawmakers have already proposed less than 6 months back is like shooting ourselves in the foot. PLEASE DO NOT throw others under the bus. PLEASE!!!!

    Just a little update, Called up my Senator's office this morning..Started talking about country Cap issue, the guy knew everything about it, he took notes & promised he will pass it on to the Senator. Here's what I suggested him

    1) Lift the Country Cap for Temporary period of time, may be just for 2 years.
    2) Limit the Maximum waiting time, say if one applicant is waiting for 5 years than country cap should be exempted and he should be given a preference over a person who�s PD is just 1 year old.

    He specifically told me 'your second point is very good, I'll certainly share these with the Senator'...

    I urge you guys to contact your senators & Congressmen/Congresswomen

    We have a group which is focusing on this issue, if you want to join us here's the link

    transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. TRANSFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON

  • venkybr
    09-19 02:50 PM
    All mine and my spouse's applications were transfered to Vermont. my I-140 was approved from TSC. My checks were cashed on July17th and that is how I know that it is pending at VSC.
    Yesterday I got an email that Card production ordered for EAD. All applications applied on July 6th. I am not sure on what basis they transfered. But it looks like Vermont has started approving the EAD cards. Hopefully, I will get it soon too in the mail.

    Did you mean your checks were cashed on Sept17th instead of July17th ?


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  • Shockwave is an

  • Rohan99
    10-12 01:57 PM
    Was your I-140 approved also at NSC? Maybe that's the reason why you have an NSC receipt. My I-140 was approved from TSC.....

    My 140( in 2006) was from TSC and 485 from NSC

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  • More Transformers: Dark of the

  • GCEB2
    09-03 01:33 PM
    I did try to talk to customer care but it was of no help.
    They tell me to wait for 30 days and sometime 60-90days.
    They say you will become actual permanent resident when you get the card The card is important.
    You now USCIS don’t know when they will change their minds.

    To better be on safe side to get it stamped on my passport. I took info pass on 09-11-08 it will be almost 30 days,

    let’s wait and see

    approved on 8-12-08
    NoWelcome notice Or Card


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  • Transformers Dark Of The Moon XBOX360-COMPLEX Click here to enlarge

  • aka
    06-18 12:23 PM
    I-140 already approved, I-485 details (same for both me and my wife):

    Mailed to NSC on May 31st.
    Received at NSC on June 1st (I think... never took tracking# from attorney).
    Receipt Date - June 04
    Notice date - June 07

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  • gccovet
    07-29 01:08 PM

    no idea at all.

    I got another lud today on 765 with another message in mail


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On July 28, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you.

    wow... I guess, we can tweak the poetry "...God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform...."

    " God and USCIS moves in a mysterious way their wonders to perform..."



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  • 600x329 Transformers Dark

  • PDOCT05
    10-05 09:35 AM
    Friends...looks like TSC is doing July 2nd filed cases..lot of july 2nd filers got receipts...let's hope for our turn in the next week. Please update if any of july 3rd applicant get's RN?

    hot Transformers: Dark Of The Moon transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • coolpal
    08-01 02:32 PM
    my 485 app was delivered to NSC on 2nd @ 8.26am..
    my 140 was approved from TSC.... and no reciept or encashed checks yet!

    But are we sure, all our applications will be transferred to TSC? I've heard that the new rule that the apps should be sent to TSC or NSC based on state u live in is gonna take effect only from this week....

    pal :)


    house A wider view of Shockwave transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • americandesi
    04-22 02:21 PM
    I work for company A which sent me to client C through company B(Prefered vendor). After working with the same client for 1.5 yrs, transfered my h1b to company B(PF) due to issues with the pay with company A. Company A has deducted huge sum of money($4000) from my last months pay towards PERM filing(Still under process). Upon demanding them to reimburse my money saying that its against law, they r threatening me saying that based on non-compete agreement they will take legal action against me.
    I am not actually aware of the clauses in the agreement. company B(PF) told me that it does not have any clauses in its agreement with company A prohibiting them from taking me.Though i requested company A to provide me a copy of non-compete, they said i signed with them, they haven�t. The company is located in NJ and not sure how non-competes work under NJ state law.
    I am really frustated upon this blackmail and going thru lot of pressure. The amount is too big too leave and cannot afford to hire a lawyer in case they file suit based on non-compete. even if i had signed a non compete agreement how does it stand as it is conflicting the agreement which company a signed with PF sayign tht upon my termination of the emplyment with them, Pf can take me without any gap period... what can i do to get my money. they also refused to provide me with experience letter which i need for my future GC filing.
    Plz give me ur valuable inputs

    Restrictive employment contracts are non-enforcable, atleast in California. Here's a classic case of a H1B employee who successfully sued his employer on a restrictive employment contract and the employer was ordered to pay $215,050.61 in damages.

    Also note that all PERM related expenses should be borne only by the employer. Refer the following link and search for "Certain Payments are Employer's Expenses under PERM" and "Employer Must Pay even with Dual Representation "

    tattoo TRANSFORMERS DARK OF THE MOON transformers dark of the moon shockwave vehicle. Transformers: Dark of the Moon
  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • guyfromsg
    07-19 11:51 PM
    Thanks IV core for the selfless sacrifice..A small pledge of $100


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  • Transformers 3: Dark of the

  • PDOCT05
    08-28 10:49 AM
    I sent my 485 to NSC on JUL 3rd, my 140 approved NSC, no receipts from
    TSC yet. Does any body got receipts who applied on JUL 3rd...?
    If your 140 Approved from NSC then you should get receipts from NSC. Not from TSC.

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  • be the Transformers Dark

  • dtekkedil
    07-10 05:09 PM
    Good Job and Congratulations everyone!!!


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  • A wider view of Shockwave

  • spmusa
    09-05 01:19 PM
    PD-Aug 2003/ Category - EB3
    Labor Cleared - March 2005
    I-140 Cleared Dec 2005
    I-485 Sent 07/25/2007
    Receipt Date - Not yet
    Service Center -NSC

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  • Transformers Dark Of The Moon

  • arihant
    05-03 12:22 PM
    05/02/2006: Senator John Cornyn Introduced S.2691 for "Legal" Employment-Based Immigration Legislation

    Today, John Cornyn, Senator from Texas, introduced in the Senate S. 2691, Securing Knowledge Innovation and Leadership (SKIL) bill, which is similar to the legal employment-based immigration bills incorporated in the comprehensive immigration reform bills of Senator Bill Frist and Senator Alen Specter. These legal employment-based immigration bills are similar to the Education bill named PACE Act which is still pending in the Senate.
    Senator Cornyn strongly opposes the legalization of undocumented immigrants as opposed to the Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and most of the Senators in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The compromised comprehensive immigration reform proposal faced strong challenge from Senator Cornyn before the bill collapsed in the Senate during the Easter break. Cornyn-Kyl bill and McCain-Kennedy has engaged in a fierce duel in the Senate Judiciary Committee and in the full Senate. The collision was marked by the legalization of illegal immigrants that are incorporated in the McCain-Kennedy bill.
    By introduction of S. 2691, Senator Cornyn practically joins the original Bill Frist bill that strongly supported legal immigration and strongly opposed legalization of illegal aliens by focusing on the border security and the immigration enforcement. Question remains whether the legal immigration bill can pass the Congress as separate from the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation. We are concerned that this bill may bring a further division between the legal immigrant community and the illegal immigrant community with the potential damaging consequences to both legal and illegal communities. We have maintained a tradition of strongly supporting legal employment-based immigration. We just hope that the legal and illegal reform legislation does not end up with the fate of S. 1932 as driven by the political forces using the traditional battle tactic of 'divide and conquer.' From the perspectives of the legal employment-based immigrant community, all of the pending bills support their interest and they will be least affected by whichever bill the Congress finally would pass. This is a time to unite and not a time to divide.

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  • Transformers: Dark of the Moon

  • wc_user
    07-25 10:16 PM
    What happened to EB3-I, call to action ? I sent out the letters ,but what is the follow-up ? Looks like everyone is interested only in EB2 India and nobody is doing anything about EB3-India.

    09-15 04:18 PM
    You should be proud of what you are doing. Even if you dont do a great job, You should try your best and you should still believe that you are doing it to the best of your ability and no one can do it better. But the way you talk, you seem to be a big loser and one of those, who feel lucky to have got your H1B. Probably, USA wont lose anything when one some like you leave. But Dont talk for the folks here. If you think you are below average, thanks for accepting it. Anyway, we would have known that from your shameless post. Most of us here deserve it and are special and are destined for greater achievements.

    Well said MadhuVJ

    05-29 07:29 PM
    sent the emails to senator/s

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